Friday, October 5, 2007

Here I Am.... Atlast

All it takes is just a Gmail account and five minutes around to create a blog and I wonder what have i been doing all these days. My pals have also been urging me to do so. I still hope that I could ve done this much before. Anyway now I am the proud owner of my own blog! Or my own website to be more precise. Hi !!! This is Darius. An 18 year old engineering student still wondering how the world had arrived at the quote "Engineering Is Fun"! Sheesh... I find the subjects rather disgusting and for a guy like me who feels physics more nauseating rather than interesting, this is not the place to be in. But things have gotta happen as they have to and no regrets. And switching over to my cyber-name I have been looking around for one which really does satisfy me. And it was when one of my buddy had suggested this name DARIUS, a greek name it is. And rather describing myself what kinda person I am, I would rather like to show them in my posts which will be flagged away shortly. And obviously I am not here to review about what the shit is happening in the politics or the world of football or cricket since I find many of my co-bloggers doing a better job! This is no place for journalism. I would rather take this as an opportunity where I look back at my journey of life so far. Not a diary entry exactly, but anything other than that I come across which I find interesting and worth posting will definitely come up as soon as possible! Catch you up very soon in my next post.... Cheers!


Vinodh said...

A great head start mate..

Razor said...

gr8 thing mate..............

Unknown said...

dude,if ya don post abt these stuffs u say u'll not post on there ll not be much to post or atleast that's what i feel, anyways welcome to the world of bloggers and hope u find it interesting rather than a time pass

Aswin Kumar said...

thank you everybody!

Vinod said...

u wrote about me suggesting the name DARIUS! very civil of u!