Planning to blog for a while with no real involvement in it (Damn! the unit tests are showing up), i keep thinking on what would be my next topic! Well as i said "with no real involvement", i wasnt able to think of any other except for one. 17 October 2007! Thats the day i successfully completed my 18 years in this earth and hurray! Now i can very well be considered an adult. Officially 18! Having slept late (i hardly managed to sleep) the night before, surfing the net to get some info on corrosion (but in vain!) to finish away my chemistry assignment and writing my record side-by-side, i was woken up by a beep from my mobile around 04:15am! And to find out that one of my friends had wished me on my birthday,(at this time?!) i was very much pleased and equally irritated for waking me up that early. But well, i thanked him for doing so since i have my chemistry assingment still left incomplete! What am i to do now? And what does corrosion have to do in my life? Shit!
I gathered all the crap which i got from the net the day before and put them in order with some (infact many) points being hijacked from my own chemistry book. I wrote them neatly in such a way that those hijacked ones got camoflauged into those crap material! By the way i had a look at my mobile which read "7 messages received"! And as i continued with my assignment (i am sick of this word) there were more phone calls now wishing me! A "Thank you very much" would'nt be enough for all those people! Nice to see them remember my birthday or atleast me for that matter. Atlast i was successful in completing my assignment and i slided those papers into my bag and went for a quick bath! And there goes the ring, one more phone call! Missed it anyway. Thank god, these people remember me atleast once in a while. So nice of them.
Being terribly late, i dressed up in a haste and made a run to the bus stop.... And hey! Some of them had asked for a treat the day before. Aah... how can i disappoint those people? (A treat in the college canteen would be the most impossible thing in this world!) Went to the nearby shop and bought a packet full of chocolates for them (Never had i done such an act of buying chocolates for anyone since i am not much into those!) But anyway, there has gotta be a first for everything. I boarded the bus wishing that the day ahead would not be a forgetful one. The day at college seemed to be a lot better than what i expected it to be. I found more people wishing me(thanks to orkut!) The day wasn't like any other normal day. Had an extra bit of fun with my fellow people in the class and it was a perfect birthday!
We guys got down from the bus and planned to eat something (we call that a treat!) and i reached back home to login to orkut to find loads of wishes being sent by my friends! More messages, mails and a couple of phone calls. All from my greatest possessions called "Friends" whom i have earned from these 18 years of life! And to all those i would like to say, "Thank you, thank you and thank you! You have made my life worth living!"
"We had joy, we had fun, we had Seasons in the sun,
But the wine and the song, like the Seasons, have all gone...."
Playing Westlife isn't a bad idea on a cold saturday night! After a week at the college i just sit back closing my eyes to relax myself to follow the lyrics and well, i find myself lost in the crowd of my memories! Always a nice feeling to recollect those cherished moments in life which are worth remembering. And summer life is one such... The only part of the year awaited by every school goer! (and now the college life seems to be quite different from the school one).
I still remember me having a countdown of the days left as the school nears its closing. But attending the litmus test and the so called "final exams" before that is a different story altogether! Hmmm.... who cares about that? And very obviously enjoyment and fun gets the first priority with great expectations on the vacation ahead! To everyone's surprise the papers turn up to be quite easy and this is it...! A long vacation is just 3 hours away! "Happy holidays!" No more lessons and homeworks, and no teachers sneaking around, atleast for some 2 more months.
The final bell, the bell of hope and happiness rings to its full swing to mark the end of the academic
year and yes, we are here for yet another holiday season.... The squadron makes its way to the nearby ground getting ready for the cricket armageddon! The game is played with the same old school uniform in order to honor it. Never mind the scorching sun in the mid april... Nothing is gonna stop us now!
But these were the those older days that can hardly be remembered by anyone. Anytime cricket, those extra hours of sleep, getting trapped in those traditional japan made television video games (the joy stick is tampered and thrashed to the fullest) and running around for those cassettes are indeed unforgettable. But in this post i just make an attempt to get back to the recent past... My after school days... Those days after my 12th grade. Better i don't mention how my higher secondary was but it wasn't the worst anyway.
The final exam being mathematics has set the blood pressure high for many and i was quite satisfied with my above average performance. Anyway its time to forget about the past (something which i definitely cant) but the results seem to be haunting me around. After spending some extra time with my dear ones i make a move from my school hoping that the future brings the best (now i am comfortably settled in one of the best colleges in my city). With no clue on when the colleges are bound to open we look forward for a minimum 5 month holiday! A great kick-off for a summer vacation. A prolonged one for sure...
But... How am i gonna spend this time remains unanswered. Reading books could be the best option and with the internet connection being fixed up, i am now open to the virtual world! All my needs are bound to be fulfilled. Satisfaction at its best! And i had heard my friends speak about orkut those days in my school (now i am an orkutter with more than 6200 scraps... sheesh!) and i was quite eager to know what is it all about. So i have a busy time ahead... After some stumbling in the net, atlast i learnt a bit of it and was busy gathering my old friends (if not the new ones) and those whom i had lost for no reason. I was pleased to find most of them..... Surprisingly!
As far as my everyday schedule goes it just gotta be the opposite of the school life. Even i have never imagined me to be like that... Laziness personified. My day begins at 08:30am in the
morning (some may still consider it to be early)accompanied by constant grumblings from ma and pa. And how do you expect someone who is making his way to the washroom walking in sleep to listen all these nonsense? A great head-start for the day! Then the breakfast is done around 10:30am... Just running late by 1 and a half hours! But it gotta be more than that...
Then i jump into my chair to switch on my system and with some blaring music to keep me alive, i login to orkut and yahoo to find if someone's hovering around there and start some useful(?) conversation. The girls are dealed in a different track and may get flirted to the core sometimes... But that goes even more when we meet in person.They just love getting flirted! Hmmm... while the firefox takes care of some multiple tabs, the internet explorer does the rest. I keep browsing the Indian Railway Fan Club site to know more about it.(I am a great rail-fan and i may come up with a post on that very soon) Man i am getting addicted to the net! After some browsing and orkutting i find the time to be around 01:30pm and hey its time for lunch! Am i running on time or what? This shouldn't be....
Post lunch, i try myself reading the newspaper which normally should be done in the morning, and now, let me cultivate the good habit of reading books. I browse through my shelf to find half a dozen of them which i had bought some time back and the time has come for its utility! (but this was for the first time - not that i browse my shelf everyday to search for a book) After some quick reading i just close my eyes to have a nap to get me back in action for the later half of the day. The better half....!
My friend wakes me up with his "Are u ready?" message and yes, we are off in a rash!(in a cycle... hehe) to the nearby ground for some cricket action. Time is 03:30pm now. Stumps fixed, teams announced, rules laid, let the game begin!(all these for an 8 over game) With some fast and furious action and some serious gimmicks on and off the field, we manage to play some 6 games altogether for the day! Time is 06:45pm by now and still there seems to be a spec of sunlight... "One more game?" and the losers come up saying "We are too tired, lets make a move". And how many times can they lose? And there's one pal of mine (an ardent football fan) who boasts that street football is the best! So much is his passion that he travels some 3 km in bus from his place to play that. !
Well, time is 07:00 pm now and wondering what to do now, we take a stroll in the streets and one of our friend takes us to a roadside bhel-puri shop. Yuk! i hate these roadside ones and bhel-puri is one junk which i hate to the core cuz i find every possible thing found in the earth being mixed in it. But these guys seem to be having a fetish for that! I just order a samosa and thats the only stuff that looks neat and clean to some extent with the least amount of mixing done. I am ready to eat!
Time 07:30pm (i dunno why am i mentioning the time so precisely, but since nothing interrupts the most busy guys in town like us, things go the same way everyday) we are now into our friend's apartment. This time to play "Bluff" a card game it is. We nestle in the terrace (so as not to disturb the other folks watching family soaps) with yet some more junkies and some drink to munch our time away. With some music playing in a mobile, we are now set for a perfect "Casino De Terrace"! The bluffmasters, after some one hour of solid bluffing settle for some gossip and fun. The ultimate purpose of the meet.... Plans for the weekend are also done. Mebbe for a beach or a swanky shopping mall. Time by now is 09:15pm.
After a late entry into my home to see my ma and pa grumble once again(they consider it to be a late one), i have my dinner and again i am back for some orkutting and now i am more pleased to see most of them online (some may feel its the perfect time for a bit of romance!) Who knows? Time by now is
10:00pm. I stay online for one more hour to find my mom standing back shouting at me "What the hell are you doing in the net sitting at late hours?". Phew! Still i have someone who keeps on watching me...Time is now 11:30pm. Its time to hit the sack....
But... The day is not yet over. I take my mobile to roll over my bed and this seems to be the best time for some messaging business. Good conversations do stir you up in the night! Well the world is still awake and more awake at this hour! The nightlife, the fun and everything is everywhere around... (Anyway an 18 year old cannot experience everything in nightlife) I throw away my mobile and once again i take my novel which i had flew over my bed to proceed with the story. And as i doze off i see that the time is around 02:00am. The next day had already begun.... And wohoooo! I am 4 hours behind my schedule! And doing this for some 5 odd months, just imagine how would it be? But everyday is indeed a new experience... Thats life!
After a while, i got a chance to visit my good old school last evening! A place where i did till my tenth grade. A 13 year old relationship it is! Unfortunately i had moved to another school to pursue my higher grades.The annual day atmosphere was clearly visible and even the streets seemed to be having an extra glow with brisk business going around! As i made my way into my school, the ambiance, the extravagance and the glitz took me away into a world of my own. Those precious days could never be forgotten. We guys and gals had been waiting for a day like this and this comes only once in a year. I was greeted by a group of my friends and after some formal conversations it was time to get loose. And with more people joining the party we were all set to rock n roll! People may have changed but the school continues to remain the same, indeed being at its best! We guys planned to take a walk across those dark lit corridors and sinking into our nostalgia, we made a silent stroll across our classrooms to see ourselves sitting inside, doing everything rather than studying! Last bench chatting, silly fights, under bench munching, those yawned teachers, the first crush, naughty pranks, those out-stood classes, birthday treats, last minute preparations and what not? Those were the moments to be relished by everyone! School life indeed has taught us loads beyond the books! Next, it was time to meet the teachers, those very special people who carved us. Whatever i am now, i owe it to them. It was quite surprising to see them remember us very well. Thats the greatest honor for any student! These teachers have been the same and thats what makes them the most respected people in our life. They are the ones who are always there to bless you and see you grow up! These things can never be realized being a student. The function had been going on for 3 hours and is expected to run for one more hour! But none of us did give a damn about what's happening on the stage. We had better work to do. And with your friends whom you earned in your school life, the moments shared with them are absolutely priceless! Thats one reason why school life is rightly considered the best part of life. And school friends are always there for you to support you throughout. Having realized that i have lessons to study for the next day's exam in college i was thrown back to reality. I felt it was time to leave. With a heavy heart i made my way back home wishing that i could go back some day. I really do miss my school days...
The journey of life gives us many chances of meeting different people everyday. We like some, loath many and there a very few who touch us in a way that life without them is impossible! It appears as if they have come to assist us through a difficulty, to provide us with guidance and support us emotionally and they are! We never realize that what has come must leave as well. But we never do so hoping that the present will last forever. Do people really come into our lives with a reason? Well some may oppose while many may agree with this. Thats one thing which happens very easily in one's life. We meet many people who come into our life for a reason and when their job gets over they make a move. With no wrong in our part or at an inconvenient time this person does something to bring the relationship to an end! Our temporary desire has been fulfilled and their job gets done. Things indeed gotta go on! But this part-time relationship brings us an unbelievable amount of joy. They make us laugh, teach you something which you would have never seen or heard before. When you begin to believe that the person is getting quite close to you and when you try to get more closer, the relationship turns to show up its other face.... There is so much pain in it and you gotta believe it! Whereas lifetime relationships teach us healthy lessons and the relationships do have a solid emotional foundation. Accept and love the person to have a better understanding. Give whatever you have so that you don't lose him/her. But the question that still remains unanswered is that - "Can we really figure out who is with us for what...???" Life alone has the answer for it!
All it takes is just a Gmail account and five minutes around to create a blog and I wonder what have i been doing all these days. My pals have also been urging me to do so. I still hope that I could ve done this much before. Anyway now I am the proud owner of my own blog! Or my own website to be more precise. Hi !!! This is Darius. An 18 year old engineering student still wondering how the world had arrived at the quote "Engineering Is Fun"! Sheesh... I find the subjects rather disgusting and for a guy like me who feels physics more nauseating rather than interesting, this is not the place to be in. But things have gotta happen as they have to and no regrets. And switching over to my cyber-name I have been looking around for one which really does satisfy me. And it was when one of my buddy had suggested this name DARIUS, a greek name it is. And rather describing myself what kinda person I am, I would rather like to show them in my posts which will be flagged away shortly. And obviously I am not here to review about what the shit is happening in the politics or the world of football or cricket since I find many of my co-bloggers doing a better job! This is no place for journalism. I would rather take this as an opportunity where I look back at my journey of life so far. Not a diary entry exactly, but anything other than that I come across which I find interesting and worth posting will definitely come up as soon as possible! Catch you up very soon in my next post.... Cheers!